Friday, July 23, 2010

Is there a workshop on how to write relevant titles?

Because it's really my weakness. It doesn't help that back when I wrote for the school paper, they assigned other people to write the titles.

Oh well.

Anyway, I'm writing this because I just re-watched one of Charlie McDonnell's older videos, specifically this one.

No, I don't know how to embed videos into my posts, but that's a link. For your information.

I agree with everything he said there. Why should people care about what's going on with the people they see on TV? Why should Britney Spears eating frozen yogurt be breaking news? Why should we buy a sandwich with the intention of looking like Mischa Barton?

Personally I hate it when people put so much effort in trying to make these people look bad. There they are, doing what they want to do, and some no-name goes out and makes them look like a bunch of freaks because they're doing what they want to do. It's horrible.

And another thing, because I left the previous post hanging. I don't believe hell exists. I believe in a greater force, but I don't believe He's going to send us to burn for eternity if we do something wrong. How is that a loving God?

I even don't think God is a father, you know? That's biased. That's male chauvinism. That's unfair.

So what I believe in is, there's this greater force governing everything from the biggest galaxies to the smallest quarks or strings or whatever, and we're all subject to this force, these laws. It's largely scientific, but you have to admit, that's what religion is saying, too. There's no point trying to argue whether religion is better than science or vice versa, because they're really just one and the same.

Also, I kind of believe in reincarnation. I haven't grasped the idea very well yet, but I kind of do. :) And I think this hell we talk about is just being reincarnated as something that's hell relative to your previous reincarnation.

Yeah. That's technically it. What do you think?

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This morning on the way home I talked to my mom about this little belief I put together out of all the existing religions.

I told her I don't believe in hell. She told me she doesn't, either. And I'm gonna tell you that, too.

I was born and raised a Christian, but recently I've been questioning it. All the Christians preach about a loving Father who cherishes each and everyone of his children – and condemns some of them to eternal damnation? They preach about Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life – and if you don't believe in that, you go to hell.

Wait, what?

The one thing I hated about thinking that there's such thing as hell is the fact that it makes you live everyday in fear. I don't think God or whatever you believe in would want that. Whatever that force is would want you to be happy.

I'd love to elaborate but I have to do it some other time because I'm kind of sleepy. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I don't have much to write about.

It's gonna be a bit disjointed since I'm going to write whatever pops into my head.

I'm currently listening to JC's newest song, Don't Stop. I think it came out on his MySpace. Which reminds me, what browser does he use? I use Firefox and his MySpace layout looks pretty screwed. Damn.

Also, I want to learn how to play the guitar for real after I listened closely to "All Day Long I Dream About Sex". Yeah. and I almost looked up the lyrics for his song "Come To Me". In fact, I did, but the Internet was pretty slow so the search engine was loaded right when he said "When I'm all alone, I lie awake and –" I decided to forget about it. Ha.

I'm in college! Crap. It feels weird. I haven't made a lot of friends because I find them all of a different frequency. To be honest, this person I tend to tag along with, I'm only sticking with him because I knew him back in high school. We weren't even that close and I actually hated him.

I'm going to make sure I don't type my deepest darkest secrets concerning the people I have my classes with, just in case they stumble upon this and see crap written about them. But, yeah, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of a few people in my class. I almost liked one of them until she slammed me and I went like, "What the fuck, bitch?" in my head. Hey, I have to put on this happy face all the time so it would look like I actually understand the things they say to me.

I don't.

Do listen to Don't Stop. It's not his best song, but it's pretty good. I mean, I wouldn't want him to be known for that song because I think his ballads are way better, but it's worth listening to.
He used Autotune, but I think he used it kind of like an instrument and not as an aid in singing. Come on, this guy has shown the world what he can do with his voice. He doesn't need Autotune to make him sing.